6 Reasons Why ‘The Anti-Cool Girl’ by Rosie Waterland made me say ‘Yaaaaas girl!’

  1. Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset Processed with VSCO with hb2 presetFirst things first, the childhood references are more on point than a compass. Learning all the words to the slow talky part of ‘Never Ever’ by All Saints? Umm, yah! Recreating the famous Titanic fogged up sex hand on any window available? Of course! If you’re in your late twenties to early thirties you’ll likely be taking a trip down a very amusing memory lane.

  1. Speaking of amusing, Rosie is a total riot. This book had me doing little surprise snort laughs all over the damn place. Discussing her attempted suicide and still managing to slip in a few jokes while she’s at it indicates a bloody impressive knack for comedy.
  1. From mullets to Kit Kats and A Current Affair, Rosie gives us the real Aussie setting. All it’s missing is some goon of fortune action!
  1. I was ‘Yaaaas girl’-ing all over the place when Rosie talks about the devastating effect low body confidence can have on a woman’s life. Rosie writes “I was achieving so much, and I still felt worthless because of my damn weight.” So often woman place such importance on their looks and are so critical of their bodies that they find themselves obsessed and depressed. When Rosie started to build her self-esteem and decided “who gave a fuck if I was fat” I was like, ‘yaaas girl!’ *praise hands*
  1. Tinder. It’s a bizarre place and Rosie totes nailed it when she talks about delusion formed by comparison. If 8/10 dudes ask for a clit pic within the first 20 minutes of chat, you’re pretty discouraged by the whole thing. So when a fella comes along with no nudie rudie requests and asks to actually take you out for a bite ya’ll like ‘hell yah’. Unfortunately you realize pretty quickly that just because he doesn’t beg for boob shots doesn’t mean he’s decent or funny or remotely interesting. Damn you Tinder!
  1. Adulting ain’t easy. Washing your sheets, booking your dentist appointments and paying your rego on time is just the beginning, and so Rosie discovers at the age of 27 when she realises that toilets are not self-cleaning. Yaassss girl, been there.

Basically: I totally loved this book. It was funny and deep and…. well, YAAAS GIRL!

Purchase it right here. 

Until next time…That’s what she said.

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